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Melissa Adams
Clinical Health Care Instructor
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 324
John Adams
Welding Instructor
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 338
Alisa Applegate
Science Teacher
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 379
Ainsley Arnold
English Teacher
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 351
Tyler Arnold
History Teacher
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 355
Christie Bailey
Intervention Specialist
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 352
Kari Barnes
District Office
937-378-6131 x 305
Jason Basford
Technology Instructor
Satelite Instructor - Fayetteville
513-875-3520 x 2144
Bethany Bolender
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Career Technical Center
Donnie Brierly
Career Technical Center
Matt Carpenter
Information Technology Instructor
Satelite Instructor - Georgetown
Vicki Carrington
Post Secondary Director
Post Secondary Campus
937-378-6131 x 402
Randy Carson
Criminal Justice Instructor
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 332
Carmen Carson
Math Teacher
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 x 323
Kennedy Clark
Clinical Counselor
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 ext. 349
Justin Cluxton
Satellite Agriculture Instructor
Miranda Copas
Guidance Counselor
937-378-6131 x 365
Cory Copas
Intervention Specialist
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 ext. 316
Chris Craig
Cafeteria Manager
Career Technical Center
937-378-6131 et. 326
Andy Creighton
Satellite Engineering Instructor
Satelite Instructor - Western Brown