Many congratulations to Christopher Jackson! He received his diploma and became an AWS certified welder!!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Mr. Christopher Jackson received his diploma by earning his AWS welding certification.
Gabrielle Morrison earned her STNA credential and her diploma!! Well done!!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Hard work and determination paid off for Gabrielle Morrison!  She earned her State Tested Nursing Assistant and her high school diploma!
Our reading room got new flooring!! Thanks Carpet Outlet- it looks great!
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Reading room
Many thanks to Dr. Donald Locasto with US Acute Care Solutions from Mt. Orab Mercy for the police car donation!!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Director Vicki Carrington and Commander Randy Carson receiving the donation of a police car from Dr. Donald Locasto.
Thank you to all who attended the Sports Medicine & Clinical Heathcare meet and greet. New program instructors were excited to meet new and returning students.
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Meet and greet
Meet and greet
Students had a great time at Summer Academy!
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Summer Academy
Summer Academy
Summer Academy
Summer Academy
Post-Secondary students recognized for completing an industry credential program this year!
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Post secondary
Call today to for information about the free Manufacturing class at SHCTC Post-Secondary Campus!! 937.378.6131 x401
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Manufacturing Classes - No Charge!!!
Mrs. Meeker brought in the newest addition to the Southern Hills family! Mrs. Meeker is excited for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Congrats Mrs. Meeker & family!
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Mrs. Meeker
Information Technologies Instructor - Fayetteville Middle School Satellite Program
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Job Posting
Congrats to these ladies for completing the Nursing Assistant course!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Five young ladies successfully completed the Nursing Assistant Course!
Summer Fun kids building projects to take home!!
almost 5 years ago, Vicki Carrington
Kids hard at work!!
Working on a project!
Great start to Summer Academy!
almost 5 years ago, SHCTC
Summer Academy
Summer Academy
Summer Academy
Welding created this honey bee bench for Mr. Hopkins and Ms. Kim, both are retiring this year.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
Mr. Hopkins & Ms. Kim
If any past students have uniforms- we are happy to take donations for students in need. They can be dropped off in the front office between 8-2:30 Monday thru Friday.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
to the very talented Graphics Class of 2019! We are all so proud of your accomplishments and can’t wait to learn what the future holds for each of you!
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
Graphics juniors learning what it takes to be a team! Kyndra Simpson and Ian Banks install an environmental graphic in preparation for their senior year.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
Senior Ceremony is TONIGHT! At 7:00pm at the Brown County Fairgrounds
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
ECE - Enjoying lunch at Butterbee’s for starting the community pantry which helps our students and families in need.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young
Info Tech juniors having a Battle Royale with the nxt robots their team created.
almost 5 years ago, Jessica Young